Why the OSA is the Virtual C.A. Group’s choice for a dedicated Area Service.
- We are solely a VIRTUAL, GLOBAL-WIDE C.A. Area dedicated to being of service to ONLY Virtual C.A. Groups & Meetings.
- Our website analytics show that ca-online.org attracts approximately 3,000 visitors per month who are looking to connect with a C.A. Virtual Meeting.
- Our Standing Committees: Meeting Services, Helpline, Public Information, Unity, IT, Archives, Structure & Bylaws, and Fundraising are committed to attracting those who suffer from addiction and directing them to the OSA Groups who do what they do best and that’s carry its message to the addict who still suffers.
- The OSA provides a LIVE CHAT functionality with real OSA Members to answer inqueries from those seeking help and directing those requests for help to the OSA Virtual Meetings. When a live OSA member is not available for live chat, we have an OSA AI Assistant handle all inquiries and, in most cases, the AI Assistant navigates the online visitor to the Virtual Meetings.
- The OSA has been of service to suffering addicts since September 16, 1999.
- Online Service Area Business Meetings are held on the 1st Sunday of the Month at 12:30 pm (EST) 5:30 pm (UK) – All OSA members, GSRs, and elected Trusted Servants are WELCOME.